lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Coronavirus: algunos repositorios de iniciativas locales

Estamos haciendo ciencia a marchas forzadas, pero también se están reinventado formas de hacer en tiempo real. Están sucediendo tantas iniciativas, proyectos novedosos, enfoques alternativos, recursos, ideas,...que es difícil seguir la pista. A pesar de todo, ya están en marcha diferentes bases de proyectos y recopilatorios que están sistematizando de alguna manera todo esto. Estoy trabajando con algunos y seguro que hay muchos más, pero aquí van algunos:

Frena la Curva (FLC) es una plataforma ciudadana donde voluntarios, emprendedores, activistas, organizaciones sociales, makers y laboratorios de innovación pública y abierta, cooperan para canalizar y organizar la energía social y la resiliencia cívica frente a la pandemia del Covid-19 (coronavirus) dando una respuesta desde la sociedad civil complementaria a la del gobierno y los servicios públicos esenciales.

SOLIVID es un proyecto colectivo para la construcción de un mapa colaborativo y de un banco de recursos on-line sobre las iniciativas solidarias frente a la crisis del COVID-19.

Our goal is to ensure mayors, city leaders, and other local decision makers have the information they need to lead their communities through this crisis. We aim to highlight and uplift the efforts of local leaders. In the coming weeks, we will be developing a more robust mechanism for local government leaders to share actions enacted in their own communities.

Cities for Global Health, a collaborative online platform that offers access to knowledge, strategies and actionable plans implemented by local and regional governments around the globe. A virtual space to showcase what cities are doing and be inspired by others regarding specific initiatives or plans to the COVID-19 outbreak other health emergencies. Cities for Global Health is co-led by Metropolis and AL-LAs, and is part of the "Live Learning Experience: beyond the immediate response to the outbreak", developed by UCLG and supported by UN-Habitat and Metropolis.

New York University research centre The GovLab has compiled a comprehensive global library of apps and initiatives used by city and national governments in fighting the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The repository, which launched last month, is part of a call for action from the research group to build a responsible infrastructure for a data-driven pandemic response. Organisations are encouraged to add new initiatives to the open document, which currently has over 130 submissions from across the globe.

The Transportation Response Center will serve as a library of “actionable, adaptable practices” to protect residents from COVID-19, and includes initiatives already used by cities, including: converting parking spaces into pick-up zones for food from restaurants; allowing rear-door bus boarding or waiving transit fares; and opening certain roads exclusively for pedestrians and cyclists.

In order to slow down the COVID19 pandemic, governments all over the world are creating mobile apps to track its citizens. This page lists all these apps.


No es fácil escribir sobre esta cuestión pero me he propuesto ordenar al menos algunas lecturas que voy sistematizando. Son apuntes dispersos y poco sistemáticos, como casi todo en este blog desde hace 12 años, pero al menos servirán para detectar algunos temas que creo serán relevantes en los próximos meses o años. 

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4 comentarios :

  1. south jersey flsa lawyer
    The review should provide a concise summary of each local initiative repository, highlighting its key features, objectives, and impact. It should focus on repositories that offer valuable resources and support related to COVID-19 response efforts, such as community aid networks, volunteer programs, or public health initiatives. The user experience of each repository should be assessed, including website navigation, search functionality, and accessibility features. The effectiveness of each repository in addressing local needs and challenges should be evaluated, such as providing access to essential resources, coordinating volunteer efforts, or disseminating accurate information. The level of community engagement and collaboration should be considered, as well as its scope and coverage. The sustainability of each repository's operations and support mechanisms should be assessed, including funding sources, partnerships, and long-term viability. Recommendations for improvement should be provided based on the review findings.

  2. This article provides a valuable compilation of local initiatives and resources aimed at addressing the COVID-19 crisis. It highlights various platforms that have emerged to support community efforts, from citizen-driven projects to collaborative health resources. These initiatives showcase the power of collective action in times of crisis and emphasize the importance of community resilience. A great resource for those interested in how local actions can make a significant impact during global challenges.
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  3. Excelente recopilación de recursos sobre el coronavirus. Este tipo de repositorios es de gran ayuda para mantenerse informado con datos confiables durante una crisis sanitaria. Me parece muy valiosa la diversidad de fuentes y el enfoque en proporcionar herramientas para la investigación y la educación. Gracias por compartir información tan útil y bien organizada. Sin duda, una contribución importante para fomentar la conciencia y la prevención.
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