As a follow-up of Urban Interaction Design: Towards City Making, which meant to be a collaborative effort to set some roots to help understand the emerging field of urban interaction design and turned live some days ago as a book/pamphlet, UrbanIxD have opened an online conversation:
In this book, the eight co-authors, who come from many different backgrounds, establish what they propose as the FOUNDATIONS of urban ixd, and then they point to five TRENDS which they see as central to the field. The five trends are: Amateur Professionals Reshaping Cities, Rethinking City-Making Institutions, Urban Product and Platform Reciprocity, Sharing Tools for Sharing, Designing for Digital Ownership in Cities.Along with Tobias Revell and Han Pham, and hosted by Martin Brynskov, I will be part of the conversation for the next ten days, discussing the character and relevance of the emerging field of urban interaction design. You can follow the conversation as a series of question-responses rounds and let´s see how the experiment works. You can comment or contribute directly on the site as the three of us share our thoughts.
The core tenet is that a confluence of fields is happening out of necessity, and that the trends manifest themselves through activities and people working together. The book uses a wide variety from cities and organizations around the world to draw up a picture of urban ixd. The outcome traces an overall outline of emerging city making practices which in some ways are challenging established urban planning.
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