viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Member of the Advisory Board of UrbanIxD

I am happy to share I have joined the Advisory Board of UrbanIxD, a EU funded projectthat will build a research network around the domain of data-rich urban environments,focusing on human activities, experiences and behaviours”.

This means an amazing chance to contribute to its objectives and to interact with a great lineup of professionals with much more experience and background than me on these topics. The most promising feature of the project, and this is why probably my contribution makes sense and why I understood the potential of this project from the very first days I got to know it, is that there is a strong focus on reflection about the role of technology in everyday life and human interaction. This research framework makes sense when there is a growing split between different approaches to smart cities and related technologies and the lack of cross-sectoral dialogue in the different knowledge fields of urban technologies. This is due to different scale and perspective approaches to understand cities or a dialogue of the deaf in which human interaction, behaviour and needs re usually cornered in the mainstream celebratory discourses that have become a standard. In this sense, the project is an opportunity to look into hybrid cities from a bottom-up pespective and community intelligence.

As members, we are expected to contribute with expertise and knowledge to help deliver a research agenda in urban interaction design by different means using a a "critical design" methodology to explore social and technological issueswhile, at the same time, we will be representing the project when appropiate in public speaking activities in which the project will be involved.

Check, for example, the information related to the UrbanIxD Summer School in Croatia that will be held next August to read about the kind of activities the project will be promoting as an intersection of new media art, urban planning, interaction design or sociology.

The Project is run by partners in four European institutions and coordinated by Michael Smyth, who kindly invited me to join the board:

  • Edinburgh Napier University, UK 
  • University of Aarhus, Denmark 
  • Telecom Italia, Italy
  • University of Split, Croatia

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